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2023-09-14 14:47:11 +08:00
import {abs, asin, atan, cos, cosh, epsilon, exp, halfPi, log, pi, pow, quarterPi, sign, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh} from "./math";
// Returns [sn, cn, dn](u + iv|m).
export function ellipticJi(u, v, m) {
var a, b, c;
if (!u) {
b = ellipticJ(v, 1 - m);
return [
[0, b[0] / b[1]],
[1 / b[1], 0],
[b[2] / b[1], 0]
a = ellipticJ(u, m);
if (!v) return [[a[0], 0], [a[1], 0], [a[2], 0]];
b = ellipticJ(v, 1 - m);
c = b[1] * b[1] + m * a[0] * a[0] * b[0] * b[0];
return [
[a[0] * b[2] / c, a[1] * a[2] * b[0] * b[1] / c],
[a[1] * b[1] / c, -a[0] * a[2] * b[0] * b[2] / c],
[a[2] * b[1] * b[2] / c, -m * a[0] * a[1] * b[0] / c]
// Returns [sn, cn, dn, ph](u|m).
export function ellipticJ(u, m) {
var ai, b, phi, t, twon;
if (m < epsilon) {
t = sin(u);
b = cos(u);
ai = m * (u - t * b) / 4;
return [
t - ai * b,
b + ai * t,
1 - m * t * t / 2,
u - ai
if (m >= 1 - epsilon) {
ai = (1 - m) / 4;
b = cosh(u);
t = tanh(u);
phi = 1 / b;
twon = b * sinh(u);
return [
t + ai * (twon - u) / (b * b),
phi - ai * t * phi * (twon - u),
phi + ai * t * phi * (twon + u),
2 * atan(exp(u)) - halfPi + ai * (twon - u) / b
var a = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
c = [sqrt(m), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
i = 0;
b = sqrt(1 - m);
twon = 1;
while (abs(c[i] / a[i]) > epsilon && i < 8) {
ai = a[i++];
c[i] = (ai - b) / 2;
a[i] = (ai + b) / 2;
b = sqrt(ai * b);
twon *= 2;
phi = twon * a[i] * u;
do {
t = c[i] * sin(b = phi) / a[i];
phi = (asin(t) + phi) / 2;
} while (--i);
return [sin(phi), t = cos(phi), t / cos(phi - b), phi];
// Calculate F(phi+iPsi|m).
// See Abramowitz and Stegun, 17.4.11.
export function ellipticFi(phi, psi, m) {
var r = abs(phi),
i = abs(psi),
sinhPsi = sinh(i);
if (r) {
var cscPhi = 1 / sin(r),
cotPhi2 = 1 / (tan(r) * tan(r)),
b = -(cotPhi2 + m * (sinhPsi * sinhPsi * cscPhi * cscPhi) - 1 + m),
c = (m - 1) * cotPhi2,
cotLambda2 = (-b + sqrt(b * b - 4 * c)) / 2;
return [
ellipticF(atan(1 / sqrt(cotLambda2)), m) * sign(phi),
ellipticF(atan(sqrt((cotLambda2 / cotPhi2 - 1) / m)), 1 - m) * sign(psi)
return [
ellipticF(atan(sinhPsi), 1 - m) * sign(psi)
// Calculate F(phi|m) where m = k² = sin²α.
// See Abramowitz and Stegun, 17.6.7.
export function ellipticF(phi, m) {
if (!m) return phi;
if (m === 1) return log(tan(phi / 2 + quarterPi));
var a = 1,
b = sqrt(1 - m),
c = sqrt(m);
for (var i = 0; abs(c) > epsilon; i++) {
if (phi % pi) {
var dPhi = atan(b * tan(phi) / a);
if (dPhi < 0) dPhi += pi;
phi += dPhi + ~~(phi / pi) * pi;
} else phi += phi;
c = (a + b) / 2;
b = sqrt(a * b);
c = ((a = c) - b) / 2;
return phi / (pow(2, i) * a);