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211 lines
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import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray";
* @author Kuitos
* @homepage https://github.com/kuitos/
* @since 2018-09-03 15:04
import { getInlineCode, isModuleScriptSupported } from './utils';
var ALL_SCRIPT_REGEX = /(<script[\s\S]*?>)[\s\S]*?<\/script>/gi;
var SCRIPT_TAG_REGEX = /<(script)\s+((?!type=('|")text\/ng\x2Dtemplate\3)[\s\S])*?>[\s\S]*?<\/\1>/i;
var SCRIPT_SRC_REGEX = /.*\ssrc=('|")?([^>'"\s]+)/;
var SCRIPT_TYPE_REGEX = /.*\stype=('|")?([^>'"\s]+)/;
var SCRIPT_ENTRY_REGEX = /.*\sentry\s*.*/;
var SCRIPT_ASYNC_REGEX = /.*\sasync\s*.*/;
var SCRIPT_NO_MODULE_REGEX = /.*\snomodule\s*.*/;
var SCRIPT_MODULE_REGEX = /.*\stype=('|")?module('|")?\s*.*/;
var LINK_TAG_REGEX = /<(link)\s+[\s\S]*?>/ig;
var LINK_PRELOAD_OR_PREFETCH_REGEX = /\srel=('|")?(preload|prefetch)\1/;
var LINK_HREF_REGEX = /.*\shref=('|")?([^>'"\s]+)/;
var LINK_AS_FONT = /.*\sas=('|")?font\1.*/;
var STYLE_TAG_REGEX = /<style[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/style>/gi;
var STYLE_TYPE_REGEX = /\s+rel=('|")?stylesheet\1.*/;
var STYLE_HREF_REGEX = /.*\shref=('|")?([^>'"\s]+)/;
var HTML_COMMENT_REGEX = /<!--([\s\S]*?)-->/g;
var LINK_IGNORE_REGEX = /<link(\s+|\s+[\s\S]+\s+)ignore(\s*|\s+[\s\S]*|=[\s\S]*)>/i;
var STYLE_IGNORE_REGEX = /<style(\s+|\s+[\s\S]+\s+)ignore(\s*|\s+[\s\S]*|=[\s\S]*)>/i;
var SCRIPT_IGNORE_REGEX = /<script(\s+|\s+[\s\S]+\s+)ignore(\s*|\s+[\s\S]*|=[\s\S]*)>/i;
function hasProtocol(url) {
return url.startsWith('//') || url.startsWith('http://') || url.startsWith('https://');
function getEntirePath(path, baseURI) {
return new URL(path, baseURI).toString();
function isValidJavaScriptType(type) {
var handleTypes = ['text/javascript', 'module', 'application/javascript', 'text/ecmascript', 'application/ecmascript'];
return !type || handleTypes.indexOf(type) !== -1;
export var genLinkReplaceSymbol = function genLinkReplaceSymbol(linkHref) {
var preloadOrPrefetch = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
return "<!-- ".concat(preloadOrPrefetch ? 'prefetch/preload' : '', " link ").concat(linkHref, " replaced by import-html-entry -->");
export var genScriptReplaceSymbol = function genScriptReplaceSymbol(scriptSrc) {
var async = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
return "<!-- ".concat(async ? 'async' : '', " script ").concat(scriptSrc, " replaced by import-html-entry -->");
export var inlineScriptReplaceSymbol = "<!-- inline scripts replaced by import-html-entry -->";
export var genIgnoreAssetReplaceSymbol = function genIgnoreAssetReplaceSymbol(url) {
return "<!-- ignore asset ".concat(url || 'file', " replaced by import-html-entry -->");
export var genModuleScriptReplaceSymbol = function genModuleScriptReplaceSymbol(scriptSrc, moduleSupport) {
return "<!-- ".concat(moduleSupport ? 'nomodule' : 'module', " script ").concat(scriptSrc, " ignored by import-html-entry -->");
* parse the script link from the template
* 1. collect stylesheets
* 2. use global eval to evaluate the inline scripts
* see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function#Difference_between_Function_constructor_and_function_declaration
* see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/eval#Do_not_ever_use_eval!
* @param tpl
* @param baseURI
* @stripStyles whether to strip the css links
* @returns {{template: void | string | *, scripts: *[], entry: *}}
export default function processTpl(tpl, baseURI, postProcessTemplate) {
var scripts = [];
var styles = [];
var entry = null;
var moduleSupport = isModuleScriptSupported();
var template = tpl
remove html comment first
.replace(HTML_COMMENT_REGEX, '').replace(LINK_TAG_REGEX, function (match) {
change the css link
var styleType = !!match.match(STYLE_TYPE_REGEX);
if (styleType) {
var styleHref = match.match(STYLE_HREF_REGEX);
var styleIgnore = match.match(LINK_IGNORE_REGEX);
if (styleHref) {
var href = styleHref && styleHref[2];
var newHref = href;
if (href && !hasProtocol(href)) {
newHref = getEntirePath(href, baseURI);
if (styleIgnore) {
return genIgnoreAssetReplaceSymbol(newHref);
return genLinkReplaceSymbol(newHref);
var preloadOrPrefetchType = match.match(LINK_PRELOAD_OR_PREFETCH_REGEX) && match.match(LINK_HREF_REGEX) && !match.match(LINK_AS_FONT);
if (preloadOrPrefetchType) {
var _match$match = match.match(LINK_HREF_REGEX),
_match$match2 = _slicedToArray(_match$match, 3),
linkHref = _match$match2[2];
return genLinkReplaceSymbol(linkHref, true);
return match;
}).replace(STYLE_TAG_REGEX, function (match) {
if (STYLE_IGNORE_REGEX.test(match)) {
return genIgnoreAssetReplaceSymbol('style file');
return match;
}).replace(ALL_SCRIPT_REGEX, function (match, scriptTag) {
var scriptIgnore = scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_IGNORE_REGEX);
var moduleScriptIgnore = moduleSupport && !!scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_NO_MODULE_REGEX) || !moduleSupport && !!scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_MODULE_REGEX); // in order to keep the exec order of all javascripts
var matchedScriptTypeMatch = scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_TYPE_REGEX);
var matchedScriptType = matchedScriptTypeMatch && matchedScriptTypeMatch[2];
if (!isValidJavaScriptType(matchedScriptType)) {
return match;
} // if it is a external script
if (SCRIPT_TAG_REGEX.test(match) && scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_SRC_REGEX)) {
collect scripts and replace the ref
var matchedScriptEntry = scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_ENTRY_REGEX);
var matchedScriptSrcMatch = scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_SRC_REGEX);
var matchedScriptSrc = matchedScriptSrcMatch && matchedScriptSrcMatch[2];
if (entry && matchedScriptEntry) {
throw new SyntaxError('You should not set multiply entry script!');
} else {
// append the domain while the script not have an protocol prefix
if (matchedScriptSrc && !hasProtocol(matchedScriptSrc)) {
matchedScriptSrc = getEntirePath(matchedScriptSrc, baseURI);
entry = entry || matchedScriptEntry && matchedScriptSrc;
if (scriptIgnore) {
return genIgnoreAssetReplaceSymbol(matchedScriptSrc || 'js file');
if (moduleScriptIgnore) {
return genModuleScriptReplaceSymbol(matchedScriptSrc || 'js file', moduleSupport);
if (matchedScriptSrc) {
var asyncScript = !!scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_ASYNC_REGEX);
scripts.push(asyncScript ? {
async: true,
src: matchedScriptSrc
} : matchedScriptSrc);
return genScriptReplaceSymbol(matchedScriptSrc, asyncScript);
return match;
} else {
if (scriptIgnore) {
return genIgnoreAssetReplaceSymbol('js file');
if (moduleScriptIgnore) {
return genModuleScriptReplaceSymbol('js file', moduleSupport);
} // if it is an inline script
var code = getInlineCode(match); // remove script blocks when all of these lines are comments.
var isPureCommentBlock = code.split(/[\r\n]+/).every(function (line) {
return !line.trim() || line.trim().startsWith('//');
if (!isPureCommentBlock) {
return inlineScriptReplaceSymbol;
scripts = scripts.filter(function (script) {
// filter empty script
return !!script;
var tplResult = {
template: template,
scripts: scripts,
styles: styles,
// set the last script as entry if have not set
entry: entry || scripts[scripts.length - 1]
if (typeof postProcessTemplate === 'function') {
tplResult = postProcessTemplate(tplResult);
return tplResult;