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2023-09-14 14:47:11 +08:00
function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(source, true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(source).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
var RE_NUM = /[\-+]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][\-+]?\d+|)/.source;
function getClientPosition(elem) {
var box;
var x;
var y;
var doc = elem.ownerDocument;
var body = doc.body;
var docElem = doc && doc.documentElement; // 根据 GBS 最新数据A-Grade Browsers 都已支持 getBoundingClientRect 方法,不用再考虑传统的实现方式
box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); // 注jQuery 还考虑减去 docElem.clientLeft/clientTop
// 但测试发现,这样反而会导致当 html 和 body 有边距/边框样式时,获取的值不正确
// 此外ie6 会忽略 html 的 margin 值,幸运地是没有谁会去设置 html 的 margin
x = box.left;
y =; // In IE, most of the time, 2 extra pixels are added to the top and left
// due to the implicit 2-pixel inset border. In IE6/7 quirks mode and
// IE6 standards mode, this border can be overridden by setting the
// document element's border to zero -- thus, we cannot rely on the
// offset always being 2 pixels.
// In quirks mode, the offset can be determined by querying the body's
// clientLeft/clientTop, but in standards mode, it is found by querying
// the document element's clientLeft/clientTop. Since we already called
// getClientBoundingRect we have already forced a reflow, so it is not
// too expensive just to query them all.
// ie 下应该减去窗口的边框吧,毕竟默认 absolute 都是相对窗口定位的
// 窗口边框标准是设 documentElement ,quirks 时设置 body
// 最好禁止在 body 和 html 上边框 ,但 ie < 9 html 默认有 2px ,减去
// 但是非 ie 不可能设置窗口边框body html 也不是窗口 ,ie 可以通过 html,body 设置
// 标准 ie 下 docElem.clientTop 就是 border-top
// ie7 html 即窗口边框改变不了。永远为 2
// 但标准 firefox/chrome/ie9 下 docElem.clientTop 是窗口边框,即使设了 border-top 也为 0
x -= docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0;
y -= docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0;
return {
left: x,
top: y
function getScroll(w, top) {
var ret = w["page".concat(top ? 'Y' : 'X', "Offset")];
var method = "scroll".concat(top ? 'Top' : 'Left');
if (typeof ret !== 'number') {
var d = w.document; // ie6,7,8 standard mode
ret = d.documentElement[method];
if (typeof ret !== 'number') {
// quirks mode
ret = d.body[method];
return ret;
function getScrollLeft(w) {
return getScroll(w);
function getScrollTop(w) {
return getScroll(w, true);
function getOffset(el) {
var pos = getClientPosition(el);
var doc = el.ownerDocument;
var w = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow;
pos.left += getScrollLeft(w); += getScrollTop(w);
return pos;
function _getComputedStyle(elem, name, computedStyle_) {
var val = '';
var d = elem.ownerDocument;
var computedStyle = computedStyle_ || d.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null); //
if (computedStyle) {
val = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(name) || computedStyle[name];
return val;
var _RE_NUM_NO_PX = new RegExp("^(".concat(RE_NUM, ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$"), 'i');
var RE_POS = /^(top|right|bottom|left)$/;
var CURRENT_STYLE = 'currentStyle';
var RUNTIME_STYLE = 'runtimeStyle';
var LEFT = 'left';
var PX = 'px';
function _getComputedStyleIE(elem, name) {
// currentStyle maybe null
var ret = elem[CURRENT_STYLE] && elem[CURRENT_STYLE][name]; // 当 width/height 设置为百分比时,通过 pixelLeft 方式转换的 width/height 值
// 一开始就处理了! CUSTOM_STYLE.height,CUSTOM_STYLE.width ,cssHook 解决@2011-08-19
// 在 ie 下不对,需要直接用 offset 方式
// borderWidth 等值也有问题,但考虑到 borderWidth 设为百分比的概率很小,这里就不考虑了
// From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards
// If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number
// but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels
// exclude left right for relativity
if (_RE_NUM_NO_PX.test(ret) && !RE_POS.test(name)) {
// Remember the original values
var style =;
var left = style[LEFT];
var rsLeft = elem[RUNTIME_STYLE][LEFT]; // prevent flashing of content
elem[RUNTIME_STYLE][LEFT] = elem[CURRENT_STYLE][LEFT]; // Put in the new values to get a computed value out
style[LEFT] = name === 'fontSize' ? '1em' : ret || 0;
ret = style.pixelLeft + PX; // Revert the changed values
style[LEFT] = left;
elem[RUNTIME_STYLE][LEFT] = rsLeft;
return ret === '' ? 'auto' : ret;
var getComputedStyleX;
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
getComputedStyleX = window.getComputedStyle ? _getComputedStyle : _getComputedStyleIE;
function each(arr, fn) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
function isBorderBoxFn(elem) {
return getComputedStyleX(elem, 'boxSizing') === 'border-box';
var BOX_MODELS = ['margin', 'border', 'padding'];
function swap(elem, options, callback) {
var old = {};
var style =;
var name; // Remember the old values, and insert the new ones
for (name in options) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
old[name] = style[name];
style[name] = options[name];
}; // Revert the old values
for (name in options) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
style[name] = old[name];
function getPBMWidth(elem, props, which) {
var value = 0;
var prop;
var j;
var i;
for (j = 0; j < props.length; j++) {
prop = props[j];
if (prop) {
for (i = 0; i < which.length; i++) {
var cssProp = void 0;
if (prop === 'border') {
cssProp = "".concat(prop + which[i], "Width");
} else {
cssProp = prop + which[i];
value += parseFloat(getComputedStyleX(elem, cssProp)) || 0;
return value;
* A crude way of determining if an object is a window
* @member util
function isWindow(obj) {
// must use == for ie8
/* eslint eqeqeq:0 */
return obj != null && obj == obj.window;
var domUtils = {};
each(['Width', 'Height'], function (name) {
domUtils["doc".concat(name)] = function (refWin) {
var d = refWin.document;
return Math.max( // firefox chrome documentElement.scrollHeight< body.scrollHeight
// ie standard mode : documentElement.scrollHeight> body.scrollHeight
d.documentElement["scroll".concat(name)], // quirks : documentElement.scrollHeight 最大等于可视窗口多一点?
d.body["scroll".concat(name)], domUtils["viewport".concat(name)](d));
domUtils["viewport".concat(name)] = function (win) {
// pc browser includes scrollbar in window.innerWidth
var prop = "client".concat(name);
var doc = win.document;
var body = doc.body;
var documentElement = doc.documentElement;
var documentElementProp = documentElement[prop]; // 标准模式取 documentElement
// backcompat 取 body
return doc.compatMode === 'CSS1Compat' && documentElementProp || body && body[prop] || documentElementProp;
@param elem
@param name
@param {String} [extra] 'padding' : (css width) + padding
'border' : (css width) + padding + border
'margin' : (css width) + padding + border + margin
function getWH(elem, name, extra) {
if (isWindow(elem)) {
return name === 'width' ? domUtils.viewportWidth(elem) : domUtils.viewportHeight(elem);
} else if (elem.nodeType === 9) {
return name === 'width' ? domUtils.docWidth(elem) : domUtils.docHeight(elem);
var which = name === 'width' ? ['Left', 'Right'] : ['Top', 'Bottom'];
var borderBoxValue = name === 'width' ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight;
var computedStyle = getComputedStyleX(elem);
var isBorderBox = isBorderBoxFn(elem, computedStyle);
var cssBoxValue = 0;
if (borderBoxValue == null || borderBoxValue <= 0) {
borderBoxValue = undefined; // Fall back to computed then un computed css if necessary
cssBoxValue = getComputedStyleX(elem, name);
if (cssBoxValue == null || Number(cssBoxValue) < 0) {
cssBoxValue =[name] || 0;
} // Normalize '', auto, and prepare for extra
cssBoxValue = parseFloat(cssBoxValue) || 0;
if (extra === undefined) {
extra = isBorderBox ? BORDER_INDEX : CONTENT_INDEX;
var borderBoxValueOrIsBorderBox = borderBoxValue !== undefined || isBorderBox;
var val = borderBoxValue || cssBoxValue;
if (extra === CONTENT_INDEX) {
if (borderBoxValueOrIsBorderBox) {
return val - getPBMWidth(elem, ['border', 'padding'], which, computedStyle);
return cssBoxValue;
if (borderBoxValueOrIsBorderBox) {
var padding = extra === PADDING_INDEX ? -getPBMWidth(elem, ['border'], which, computedStyle) : getPBMWidth(elem, ['margin'], which, computedStyle);
return val + (extra === BORDER_INDEX ? 0 : padding);
return cssBoxValue + getPBMWidth(elem, BOX_MODELS.slice(extra), which, computedStyle);
var cssShow = {
position: 'absolute',
visibility: 'hidden',
display: 'block'
}; // fix #119 :
function getWHIgnoreDisplay(elem) {
var val;
var args = arguments; // in case elem is window
// elem.offsetWidth === undefined
if (elem.offsetWidth !== 0) {
val = getWH.apply(undefined, args);
} else {
swap(elem, cssShow, function () {
val = getWH.apply(undefined, args);
return val;
function css(el, name, v) {
var value = v;
if (_typeof(name) === 'object') {
for (var i in name) {
if (name.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
css(el, i, name[i]);
return undefined;
if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof value === 'number') {
value += 'px';
}[name] = value;
return undefined;
return getComputedStyleX(el, name);
each(['width', 'height'], function (name) {
var first = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
domUtils["outer".concat(first)] = function (el, includeMargin) {
return el && getWHIgnoreDisplay(el, name, includeMargin ? MARGIN_INDEX : BORDER_INDEX);
var which = name === 'width' ? ['Left', 'Right'] : ['Top', 'Bottom'];
domUtils[name] = function (elem, val) {
if (val !== undefined) {
if (elem) {
var computedStyle = getComputedStyleX(elem);
var isBorderBox = isBorderBoxFn(elem);
if (isBorderBox) {
val += getPBMWidth(elem, ['padding', 'border'], which, computedStyle);
return css(elem, name, val);
return undefined;
return elem && getWHIgnoreDisplay(elem, name, CONTENT_INDEX);
}); // 设置 elem 相对 elem.ownerDocument 的坐标
function setOffset(elem, offset) {
// set position first, in-case top/left are set even on static elem
if (css(elem, 'position') === 'static') { = 'relative';
var old = getOffset(elem);
var ret = {};
var current;
var key;
for (key in offset) {
if (offset.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
current = parseFloat(css(elem, key)) || 0;
ret[key] = current + offset[key] - old[key];
css(elem, ret);
export default _objectSpread({
getWindow: function getWindow(node) {
var doc = node.ownerDocument || node;
return doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow;
offset: function offset(el, value) {
if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
setOffset(el, value);
} else {
return getOffset(el);
isWindow: isWindow,
each: each,
css: css,
clone: function clone(obj) {
var ret = {};
for (var i in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
ret[i] = obj[i];
var overflow = obj.overflow;
if (overflow) {
for (var _i in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(_i)) {
ret.overflow[_i] = obj.overflow[_i];
return ret;
scrollLeft: function scrollLeft(w, v) {
if (isWindow(w)) {
if (v === undefined) {
return getScrollLeft(w);
window.scrollTo(v, getScrollTop(w));
} else {
if (v === undefined) {
return w.scrollLeft;
w.scrollLeft = v;
scrollTop: function scrollTop(w, v) {
if (isWindow(w)) {
if (v === undefined) {
return getScrollTop(w);
window.scrollTo(getScrollLeft(w), v);
} else {
if (v === undefined) {
return w.scrollTop;
w.scrollTop = v;
viewportWidth: 0,
viewportHeight: 0
}, domUtils);