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'use strict'
var util = require('util')
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
var serviceName = require('multicast-dns-service-types')
var dnsEqual = require('dns-equal')
var dnsTxt = require('dns-txt')
var TLD = '.local'
var WILDCARD = '_services._dns-sd._udp' + TLD
module.exports = Browser
util.inherits(Browser, EventEmitter)
* Start a browser
* The browser listens for services by querying for PTR records of a given
* type, protocol and domain, e.g. _http._tcp.local.
* If no type is given, a wild card search is performed.
* An internal list of online services is kept which starts out empty. When
* ever a new service is discovered, it's added to the list and an "up" event
* is emitted with that service. When it's discovered that the service is no
* longer available, it is removed from the list and a "down" event is emitted
* with that service.
function Browser (mdns, opts, onup) {
if (typeof opts === 'function') return new Browser(mdns, null, opts)
this._mdns = mdns
this._onresponse = null
this._serviceMap = {}
this._txt = dnsTxt(opts.txt)
if (!opts || !opts.type) {
this._name = WILDCARD
this._wildcard = true
} else {
this._name = serviceName.stringify(opts.type, opts.protocol || 'tcp') + TLD
if (opts.name) this._name = opts.name + '.' + this._name
this._wildcard = false
this.services = []
if (onup) this.on('up', onup)
Browser.prototype.start = function () {
if (this._onresponse) return
var self = this
// List of names for the browser to listen for. In a normal search this will
// be the primary name stored on the browser. In case of a wildcard search
// the names will be determined at runtime as responses come in.
var nameMap = {}
if (!this._wildcard) nameMap[this._name] = true
this._onresponse = function (packet, rinfo) {
if (self._wildcard) {
packet.answers.forEach(function (answer) {
if (answer.type !== 'PTR' || answer.name !== self._name || answer.name in nameMap) return
nameMap[answer.data] = true
self._mdns.query(answer.data, 'PTR')
Object.keys(nameMap).forEach(function (name) {
// unregister all services shutting down
goodbyes(name, packet).forEach(self._removeService.bind(self))
// register all new services
var matches = buildServicesFor(name, packet, self._txt, rinfo)
if (matches.length === 0) return
matches.forEach(function (service) {
if (self._serviceMap[service.fqdn]) return // ignore already registered services
this._mdns.on('response', this._onresponse)
Browser.prototype.stop = function () {
if (!this._onresponse) return
this._mdns.removeListener('response', this._onresponse)
this._onresponse = null
Browser.prototype.update = function () {
this._mdns.query(this._name, 'PTR')
Browser.prototype._addService = function (service) {
this._serviceMap[service.fqdn] = true
this.emit('up', service)
Browser.prototype._removeService = function (fqdn) {
var service, index
this.services.some(function (s, i) {
if (dnsEqual(s.fqdn, fqdn)) {
service = s
index = i
return true
if (!service) return
this.services.splice(index, 1)
delete this._serviceMap[fqdn]
this.emit('down', service)
// PTR records with a TTL of 0 is considered a "goodbye" announcement. I.e. a
// DNS response broadcasted when a service shuts down in order to let the
// network know that the service is no longer going to be available.
// For more info see:
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6762#section-8.4
// This function returns an array of all resource records considered a goodbye
// record
function goodbyes (name, packet) {
return packet.answers.concat(packet.additionals)
.filter(function (rr) {
return rr.type === 'PTR' && rr.ttl === 0 && dnsEqual(rr.name, name)
.map(function (rr) {
return rr.data
function buildServicesFor (name, packet, txt, referer) {
var records = packet.answers.concat(packet.additionals).filter(function (rr) {
return rr.ttl > 0 // ignore goodbye messages
return records
.filter(function (rr) {
return rr.type === 'PTR' && dnsEqual(rr.name, name)
.map(function (ptr) {
var service = {
addresses: []
.filter(function (rr) {
return (rr.type === 'SRV' || rr.type === 'TXT') && dnsEqual(rr.name, ptr.data)
.forEach(function (rr) {
if (rr.type === 'SRV') {
var parts = rr.name.split('.')
var name = parts[0]
var types = serviceName.parse(parts.slice(1, -1).join('.'))
service.name = name
service.fqdn = rr.name
service.host = rr.data.target
service.referer = referer
service.port = rr.data.port
service.type = types.name
service.protocol = types.protocol
service.subtypes = types.subtypes
} else if (rr.type === 'TXT') {
service.rawTxt = rr.data
service.txt = txt.decode(rr.data)
if (!service.name) return
.filter(function (rr) {
return (rr.type === 'A' || rr.type === 'AAAA') && dnsEqual(rr.name, service.host)
.forEach(function (rr) {
return service
.filter(function (rr) {
return !!rr