37 lines
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37 lines
1.0 KiB
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"use strict";
var attachComments = require("./attachComments");
var convertComments = require("./convertComments");
var toTokens = require("./toTokens");
var toAST = require("./toAST");
module.exports = function (ast, traverse, tt, code) {
// remove EOF token, eslint doesn't use this for anything and it interferes
// with some rules see https://github.com/babel/babel-eslint/issues/2
// todo: find a more elegant way to do this
// convert tokens
ast.tokens = toTokens(ast.tokens, tt, code);
// add comments
// transform esprima and acorn divergent nodes
toAST(ast, traverse, code);
// ast.program.tokens = ast.tokens;
// ast.program.comments = ast.comments;
// ast = ast.program;
// remove File
ast.type = "Program";
ast.sourceType = ast.program.sourceType;
ast.directives = ast.program.directives;
ast.body = ast.program.body;
delete ast.program;
delete ast._paths;
attachComments(ast, ast.comments, ast.tokens);